Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thing #16: Wanna wiki?

I checked out the Library Success wiki - I used to visit this wiki every so often, but it's been a long time. I discovered something cool - some examples of successful website redesigns, with descriptions of the process. I find this kind of thing very helpful. Why work in a vacuum?

I think wikis are a great tool. And like any tool, they have appropriate uses and not-so-appropriate uses. They are really for collaboration. So if you want to post information, but don't expect several other people to contribute, a traditional web page is probably best. If you want to post thoughts on a topic, but want to be the sole voice, a blog is really better. And if you are going to collaborate, a big user base is key. Wikipedia is generally successful because the user community is so huge that it can be self-policing. But if the library were to start its own public wiki, for example, we could not expect a user base of that size - we'd have to watch content carefully ourselves.

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