Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thing #8: Bloglines is the bomb

I have been using Bloglines for a few years now. I check it everyday, after checking email. If you don't do a lot of reading online, RSS probably doesn't make much sense. But if you do read online as part of your daily routine, RSS makes it so much simpler.

The thing I like best about Bloglines (or any RSS reader) is that I can easily digest mountains of information on all kinds of topics - work, world news, hobbies, friends' blogs. Posts definitely build up fast, but I can take them or leave them - an RSS reader makes it easy to skip over material I don't really care about on that particular day. And I don't feel badly about that!

It's really helped me to keep up with developments in the world of library technology, especially. Anytime I need to learn more about something (right now it's intranet management products, for example), I find some blogs (or sites with feeds) and subscribe to them. I'll start learning about the subject with very little time investment.

If you read online at least a few times a week, I can't recommend this enough!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Google Reader better :P He he